agafay desert weather

agafay desert weather
Weather Forecast Agafay – Morocco (Marrakech-Safi) ☼ Longitude : -8.2 Latitude : 31.49 Altitude :
Precipitation: <1 mm 1-2 mm 2-5 mm >5 mm
The location marker is placed on Agafay.

This animation shows the cloud cover as observed by satellite. High clouds and clouds with vertical development are displayed in white, low clouds and fog in grey. This map uses infrared satellite telemetry to calculate the temperature of the clouds. Low clouds and fog are difficult to distinguish from ground temperatures and might therefore be inaccurate.
Meteosat satellite images for Europe are updated in real-time every 5 minutes. The first 4 time steps also show precipitation. Precipitation is estimated from radar and satellites. At night precipitation estimates from satellites are less accurate than during daytime. Orange crosses mark places where lightning was detected (over Europe).
Copyright 2019 EUMETSAT / meteoblue. Lightning data provided by nowcast.

Our 5-day meteogram for Agafay offers all weather information in 3 simple graphs:

Temperature chart with weather pictograms. The time from sunrise to sunset is indicated in light yellow.
Clouds in different altitudes: from few clouds (light grey) to overcast (dark grey). Dark blue bars show hourly precipitation and light blue showers. An asterisk indicates snow fall.
Forecasts for wind speeds are blue and for gusts are green. The arrowheads point in the same direction as the wind.

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